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WURTH ELEKTRONIK 是全球领先的 EMC 和感应元器件制造商,产品包括铁氧体材料、铁氧体磁珠、电感器、共模扼流圈、变压器、 连接器等。凭借国际 ISO 认证的生产工厂、配送中心和超过 400 名的技术销售人员网络,从设计到原型开发、到大规模量产,WURTH ELEKTRONIK 能为您提供全球支持。 WURTH ELEKTRONIK 为客户提供的是解决方案,而不仅仅是元器件。
Wurth Elektronik集团公司总部位于德国Niedernhall(Hohenlohe),在全球拥有约8,000名员工,2016年全球销售额达7.85亿欧元。
Wurth Elektronik在全球拥有16个生产基地,是伍尔特集团最成功的公司之一。
Wurth Elektronik在不同市场的三个公司领域开展国际业务:
Wurth Elektronik eiSos是欧洲最大的电子和机电组件制造商之一。全球超过550名销售代表构成了该行业独有的直销网络:本地设计支持,所有库存目录产品和免费样品是我们对客户的承诺。 Wurth Elektronik在欧洲,美洲和亚洲设有生产工厂。
作为德国领先的印刷电路板生产商之一,Wurth Elektronik CBT专注于原型和中小订单。电子开发人员可以在这里找到所有流行的和许多创新的电路板技术和系统解决方案,所有这些都来自单一来源。最后但同样重要的是,他们也可以在这里与专家专家交谈。
作为压配技术系统解决方案的开发和生产专家,例如中央电气系统,Wurth Elektronik ICS是许多商用车制造商的开发合作伙伴。项目管理团队与业务合作伙伴一起从原始产品理念到批量生产。
The Wurth Elektronik group of companies, with headquarters in Niedernhall (Hohenlohe), Germany, has about 8,000 employees worldwide and generated global sales of € 785 million in 2016.
With 16 production locations worldwide, Wurth Elektronik is one of the most successful companies of the Wurth Group.
Wurth Elektronik operates internationally with its three company areas in various markets:
Electronic & Electromechanical Components / Headquarters: Waldenburg
Wurth Elektronik eiSos is one of Europe's biggest manufacturer of electronic & electromechanical components. More than 550 sales representatives worldwide make up a direct sales network that is unique in this industry: Local Design in support, all catalogue products in stock and samples free of charge is the promise to our customers. Wurth Elektronik operates production plants in Europe, America and Asia.
Circuit Boards / Headquarters: Niedernhall
One of the leading producers of printed circuit boards in Germany, Wurth Elektronik CBT has specialized in prototypes and in small and medium-sized orders. Electronics developers can find here all the prevalent and many innovative circuit board technologies and system solutions, all from a single source. Last but not least, they can also speak here with expert specialists.
Intelligent Power and Control Systems / Headquarters: Niedernhall-Waldzimmern
As a specialist in the development and production of system solutions in press-fit technology, for example central electrical systems, Wurth Elektronik ICS is a development partner for many commercial vehicle manufacturers. A project management team accompanies the business partners from the original product idea to series production.
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